Enhancing Mouthfeel With Black Bull Yeast
Enhancing Mouthfeel With Black Bull Yeast
Within winemaking, many techniques exist for improving mouthfeel. One category of product used to do this are tannin additives derived from grapes or oak and available as powders chips nuggets either toasted or untoasted; another are yeast- or lees-based additives which range from extracts hulls or whole yeast cells; these have an array of uses; but their effectiveness remains controversial.
Addition of different yeast strains can have a dramatic effect on head retention and mouthfeel, creating beers like Belgian-style gueuze lambic or sour beers that use spontaneous fermentation for their complex flavors. Sours, sour blond ales, and Berliner weisses may also employ this process of production.
Black Bull turbo yeast from Denmark is one of the best ways to add mouthfeel to beer, with excellent temperature tolerance that ferments up to 18% alcohol in just days, boasting excellent osmotic tolerance and being lightweight; additionally it doesn’t need refrigeration!