Black Bull Turbo Yeast and Beer Styles
Black Bull Turbo Yeast is widely considered the world’s premier yeast, producing little to no methanol during fermentation and with an extremely fast turnaround. Additionally, its tolerance to alcohol increases rapidly – reaching 18% by volume within a few weeks! Furthermore, it boasts excellent osmotic pressure tolerance so can tolerate even thick mashes with ease and is extremely versatile; working well across many styles of beer.
Beer styles are one of those topics on which brewers often hold strong opinions, though most usually support guidelines on style descriptions and groupings. When someone objects strongly against any description or grouping it usually stems from misinterpretation of purpose of style guidelines or inappropriate implementation.
Beer style descriptions generally offer a framework for discussing and comparing commercial examples of certain styles. They don’t intend to be restrictive and some styles allow brewers considerable creative license. There is however, usually some distinction between narrow and broad styles which dictates just how much creativity can be applied while remaining within that style range.
An Imperial Stout falls within the style’s guidelines, yet may be made with less malt than typical or at a lower gravity than would typically be used. This could result in an unusually dry, bitter beer not found elsewhere commercially.