How BB Turbo Yeast Affects Clarity
How BB Turbo Yeast Affects Clarity
Most of the work undertaken by commercial breweries involves clearing away proteins and polyphenols (tannins) that cause cloudiness in drinks, usually by either reducing these substances or adding enzymes that may produce off flavors; this process takes time and energy that smaller distillers cannot afford to invest.
Hambleton Bard Ltd’s Alcotec range of turbo yeast is specifically tailored to help hobby and small scale distillers achieve maximum results, from hobby brewers through to small scale distillers. Although first introduced in the 1980s, its popularity really took off after becoming available again during the mid 2000s.
Turbo yeast was specifically created to accelerate the conversion of sugar and water to pure alcohol more rapidly by employing high temperature-resistant strains that produce less off flavors, and with these fast fermentation rates the fermentation process only requires several days for maximum success.
These products often include fast acting yeast as well as enzymes to aid the fermentation process, such as glucoamylase for breaking long chain sugar molecules into smaller ones that can be more readily absorbed by yeast, and pectinase enzyme for breaking down fruit and starches more quickly for fermentation, helping reduce any unnecessary sludge formation during wash or mash ferments.